Aeroel: a Dynamic and Innovative Team
Aeroel is a dynamic and flexible firm, prepared to meet the challenges required for the development of new ideas and concepts: their young staff are specialised in the design and manufacturing of Laser Systems for Diameter Measurement and Control.

Laser Technology offers Benefits in Many Industrial Process
Due to their non contact measurement capability, Aeroel Lasers can be applied in a fast, precise, and efficient manner to a variety of industrial processes. From wire drawing to mechanical component grinding, the laser optic technology assures consistent, objective and accurate results over traditional techniques.

High Precision Products
The use of laser light has made it possible to develop instruments for high precision measurements in the factory, on-line and on the bench. Innovative technical solutions, secured by patents, have enabled us to make gauges which are insensitive to variations in temperature, vibration, product movement, dust and other environmental conditions which would normally influence the measurement results in the production environment.